YPO Leaders For Change - Sustainability Initiative & Pledge


I’m really excited to have an event together with YPO,New York City Chapter, with Salesforce - a great partner in climate change and sustainability.

Really excited to have an opportunity to create a pledge for my fellow YPOs. The purpose of the pledge is to create a personal and/or professional 

 commitment to sustainability to be a better citizen of this world. It’s a personal and professional commitment to make a difference and to take responsibility 

as a person and professional…as leaders, your families, your communities, in our companies, at a national and global level, to leave this planet 

better than we find it when we started.

I created this pledge for my fellow YPO members so they can really make a personal and professional commitment to care about the environment

and to be aware because if they become aware and get educated, they can also change their mindset and they can take action to save this planet together!

We’re all in this together.

We have some amazing speakers such as Arianna Huffington from The Huffington Post and we have some other dignitaries 

and inspirational youngsters who will share their activism. 

My goal is to create a YPO pledge so we can have sustainability ambassadors - people who care about the environment and they take responsibility to inspire and 

educate other people to change their mindset.

Because once their mindset is clear of what they have to do, everybody is going to take action, and we can change this world for better.

Orion’s team is an amazing example. We have some of the best people in the industry. We are in the business of doing good but also doing well.

So the better we do, the better we can help this world.

We have this pledge for all YPO members, so take the pledge today! 

Yacov Wrocherinsky