Dreamforce 2023 Unveils the Future of Salesforce AI Technology

Dreamforce 2023 went beyond the usual tech talk—it was a front-row seat to the future in the making. Orion was right there in the thick of it, rolling up our sleeves to understand the new depths of AI, CRM, and Data, all while connecting with customers, and Salesforce partners, and celebrating this vibrant community at our day one happy hour.

With a crowd of 40,000 tech enthusiasts and over 1,500 sessions packed into just three days, Dreamforce was a whirlwind. But one thing was crystal clear: tech's next chapter isn't just about innovation; it's about doing it right, with ethics and care in mind.

To that end, the key to doing it right includes data preparation and working with an AI expert. To effectively use all the amazing new tools and features Salesforce rolled out, your data must be up to the task! Orion’s AI experts will guide you through this process as well as create ideas and ways to bring more value to your customers by leveraging AI.

Let's break down what we learned and where we're headed.

The AI Revolution

Dreamforce redefined the AI revolution as a trust revolution. With CEO Marc Benioff spearheading the conversation, the narrative was clear—AI’s potential hinges on trustworthiness, accuracy, and a commitment to human rights. Salesforce is championing this cause, offering powerful tools like the new Einstein Copilot, now a part of Salesforce CRM, ensuring AI is used smoothly and ethically.

Plus, get ready for a new horizon with Salesforce Data Cloud because they are including it for free! This groundbreaking news from Dreamforce opens doors to leveraging data from multiple locations —think online shopping or website activity—right into your Salesforce CRM for a true Customer 360 view. Data Cloud is instrumental for data preparation and cleansing, so you can create a richer, fuller understanding of every customer interaction. And here's the magic touch: Einstein 1, Salesforce's brilliant AI companion, will turn that data into actionable insights and forecasts like we’ve never seen before.

Orion’s AI Vision Post-Dreamforce

The road ahead is both exciting and challenging, paved with the promises of AI, data, and CRM. The announcements at Dreamforce have opened the doors to endless possibilities. With an eye on ethics, foundational data, and AI expertise, innovation is available for everyone. We are leveraging our years of experience and expertise, along with all our new knowledge, to continue to create game-changing solutions for our customers.

Custom-fit Solutions

Salesforce has never been a one-size-fits-all platform, and now it’s even easier to ensure it fits your business like a glove. Salesforce's Einstein Copilot is more than a tool, it’s your AI confidant for every Salesforce application. With your data at the core, Einstein Copilot will assist in the navigation to uncover the information you need to refine supply chains, enhance client interactions, or gauge market trends. And, the tech is designed to work for you, not the other way around.

Smart Work, Bigger Gains

It's a new work era—one where efficiency shines. Salesforce’s AI-driven automation delivers smoother workflows and more hours saved. Remove redundant manual tasks from your team using Einstein Copilot Studio, perfectly configured to your business's rhythm. With AI in your wheelhouse, there’s more time to focus on the bigger picture.

Insights That Matter

Success lies in the details. With AI analytics and Salesforce's Einstein tools, you can turn data into gold—actionable insights. AI analytics allow you to dig deep and build intelligent systems that sift through intricate layers to spotlight significant trends and opportunities. Combined with Salesforce Data Cloud’s connectivity to external data sources, insight and clarity aren't just close; it’s here and now.

Ready for Growth

Dream and grow without limits. As you chart new territories, tools like Einstein Copilot evolve and scale right alongside you. What does this look like? An improved customer experience. How? Sales forecasts, predictions, and recommendations so sales teams have insights at their fingertips for more impactful customer engagements. Tailored marketing content that’s based on deep customer metrics and their personal preferences, so communications resonate. Enhanced knowledgebase and AI suggested real-time communications for customer support eliminating the need to research and reducing the time needed to resolve an issue.

Tech with Heart and a Human Touch

At Orion, we see beyond the gadgets and codes to the heart of Salesforce’s vision: revolutionizing how we do business to build a better world. It's a world where work is about impact, not tasks. With powerhouse tools like Einstein Copilot and the expansive Data Cloud, we're talking about a fresh way of doing things—one that puts the focus on meaningful work and fantastic experiences.

Dreamforce 2023 made one thing clear: the future isn't just coming; it's here. And Orion? We’re geared up to harness these tools while never losing the human touch. Our eyes are set on trust, open conversations, and ethical tech choices.

Contact us to bring these transformative tools into your organization, setting the stage for amazing business wins and new levels of success.